Shoes are some of the most essential additions to our wardrobe. They protect us from the gravel and roads while keeping the feet comfortably snugged. There are multiple different parts and materials for shoes so here's how we can help you extend the lifespan of your Nelissa Hilman steppers.

Everyone, everyone, everyone wears down the back of their heels, particularly at the back corner. Making sure you get to it before it damages the heel block is vital. We’ll replace it with a close-as-possible match to the original.
from RM20 per pair
Repair and/or Replace Hardware
Damaged or missing rivets or buckles. Hardwares are subject to availability.
from RM20
Insoles and Undersocks
An insole (or ‘sock’) is the leather or microfabric sole glued to the shoe’s inside along the interior bottom (the part you step on). Please note this will remove any embossed or foiled branding.
from RM30 per pair
How does the service work?
- Email us at (Subject - Repair services) with a photo and specify any particular service you require.
- Our team will review and reply with a quote and estimated repair time within 3 to 5 working days.
- You can review and confirm the proposed repair.
- Our team will forward the payment details.
- Once payment has been received, you can drop off your shoes at our Bangsar store or courier them to our studio.
- The length of repair work depends on the work required. As a guide and subject to availability, a reheel typically will take between 10 to 14 business days.
- After the repair, we will email you with an update. You can opt to pick-up the shoes at our store or opt for us to courier it back to you. A standard courier fee of RM10 will apply.
How do I prepare my item(s) for collection?
To ensure your item(s) get to the atelier safely, please:
- Ensure any bags you send are empty.
- Line a sturdy box with bubble wrap and ensure that light-colored items (especially if they’re patent or suede) aren’t touching anything of a darker color.
- Label the bag you put your items in with your contact details. You can also drop a business card or note into the bag if it’s easier.
- Securely seal the package.
Do you guarantee your work?
We guarantee our work for three months, but we judge each case on its merits. This may seem like a small window, but we have no way of knowing what your item comes in contact with or how it’s used once it leaves our care and that may impact the work we’ve done.